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A child’s play is a child’s work”

Building Blocks is a family-centered support program which aims to increase the ability of parents or caregivers to support the health and development of their children from birth to five years of age.

The program provides a range of supports, such as home visits, information on child behaviors and parenting strategies, information on infant and child developmental milestones, play opportunities and activities, food security, accessing other resources and services, and fun!

The program focuses on play! Children learn through play and strong parent-child relationships are built and strengthened through play. Building Blocks can help families learn new ways to play and interact with their child to support healthy development and strong relationships. Referrals can be made by the family or by other programs or agencies.

For more information contact Building Blocks Parent Support Worker  at 778-631-2071 ext. 2004


Helpful resources:

Immunization schedule:

Affordable Child Care Benefit application:

Assistance and support with the Affordable Child Care Benefit plan:

Information on nutrition, physical activity, lifestyle, well-being, pregnancy and parenting: